Jeruzalem (2015)
i often think of it long after watching, which is good enough
3 January 2018
Despite the stylized Z in the title, possibly to hang on to World War Z's brief popularity, this has seemingly nothing to do with zombies.

overall this was a fun movie of the "found footage" genre in the form of a live first person Google Glass type thing the main character wears throughout. Maybe it's just a case of me being fascinated by a Jewish film, but I loved the look of the film and the ancillary characters, like the Palestinian hotel owner who accompanies them and his son Omar, and the brief fight he gets into with an IDF soldier later on in the midst of the Horror breakout, or the drunk guy playing King David.

the film wisely keeps its horror elements largely out of site, not letting it linger on screen long enough for us to make out much detail and lose its shock factor, or for us to tell when the CG is bad.

my only problem with the film is the cold open start, which I feel could've been done a whole lot shorter or with less "religious apocalypse" stuff. It kind of breaks immersion when that whole sequence ends up using an old Creepypasta picture of a skeletal mummy-type smiling figure which was long ago exposed as being a Halloween decoration taken in dim lighting.

One thing which I found cute is that, while the main characters are American tourists, they are all played by Israeli actors, so every once in a while their accent slips. The character Kevin in particular seems to have his accent slip the most, sometimes becoming this odd mix of native American and Canadian accent that most seems to happen when he shouts or tries to slur certain syllables like an American would, not fully enunciating certain syllables
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