Review of Broken

CSI: Miami: Broken (2002)
Season 1, Episode 6
Sad Story, Well Presented
2 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The episode subject matter is so dark, but real, as shown with Alexx in tears as she reads to her children, pausing to tell them about bad people. The viewer shutters with emotion after watching the story. When the subject involves children, their deaths caused by pedophiles, it makes one want to wretch.

This episode is riveting, well-written and well-acted, holding viewer attention until the catch and arrest.

Horatio and all the other CSI's want to nail this creep from the get go, as a little girl is found dead on a bathroom floor from anaphylactic shock at the hands of a serial pedophile.

Key evidence included glitter near the victim, her blue-lips from candy, barbiturates present, glitter on the employee-vest matches that on the victim, vest offered access with security password in plain sight left by manager, finger prints obtained appeared the guy fell into a blender, assembling photos of the mixed prints, foot print yields butterfly substance exclusive to a nearby park, a print match from assembling the print-photos, perpetrator house contents, bodies found in yard, microscopic sugar-crystals in raw form, not yet heated, sugar used for cotton-candy leading to the conclusion the perpetrator makes the stuff, he likely has his own cotton-candy machine.

The pervert is arrested for the last time. Recommend a watch because the although the subject-matter is horrific, the production is superb showing how this creep is found and arrested.
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