Never Say Die (1994)
"You wanna play? I've got something to play with"
1 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A motor boat mechanic Blake gets involved with a girl who is escaping from a cult leader Reverend James. Coincidentally the mechanic has a history with the cult leader. There follows what is mainly a chase movie with the FBI and the police and the military after Reverend James who has poisoned his followers. There are a couple of plot twists you can see miles away and several lapses of continuity. Blake seems to appear and disappear at will.

As the mechanic Frank Zagarino goes through the motions. Todd Jensen as the FBI guy fares better and Robin Smith as Angel looks suitably fearsome. They are all upstaged of course by Billy Drago as Reverend James who raises the watchability when he is onscreen. No one can play unhinged villainy with a sense of humour like Mr Drago can. Also Craig Freimond plays a character called 'Weak Male Disciple' and he does it very well.

A lot of running about but not to much effect. Apart from Billy Drago of course.
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