Pappa pia (2017)
The best thing about Pappa Pia is...
30 December 2017
... the fact most people have no chance to see it. You see all those votes from the United States? They probably haven't seen the movie, as it isn't released in United States. If by the virtue of some extreme misfortune you would see it, it wouldn't be a terrible bad movie. A low budget romantic comedy without good story, direction or any added value, but at least it has decent music from the past.

Low budget for the world, but high budget for Hungary. So he got our best actors and actresses, and some of the music is good. And you don't expect much from this genre, so it can't fail miserably, right? Well... At the theaters it failed to make enough income, it wasn't interesting for some viewers.

The critics didn't like it. And quite a few people pointed out: In Hungary we have laws deciding which movies can get to the big screen. The big silver screen is for movies sponsored by an organization led by Andy Vajna.

So directors, writers, etc. who have several awards behind them and make a film about important events, their important and good films can't get to theaters. Yet Andy can "rule them all" with a poorly hacked together job, and he can spend budget that is record high for our movie industry for such soulless acts.

And when it would get under 3 stars, it can be rated by people who had 0 chance to see it, because it wasn't shown in the country where they live to fix it all.

Is it worse as a movie than a normal 5 star romantic comedy? No, it isn't. It is the same low budget, low value, uninteresting job. But once you know how it was made, how you have reasons (political or otherwise) to be angry and hate it when you see it, it will feel like the worst movie the world. And for that it deserves the 1 star rating.
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