Excellent Movies
30 December 2017
I Actually found Recep hilariously funny and all 4 films, I watched them all back to back on Netflix, they all made me cry with laughter, it may just be my sick warped personality/mentality ha ha going by a lot of other peoples comments, I reckon you all must have some dry serious lives, I wonder what is actually funnier than taking a village idiot putting him into the modern world nothing could actually be funnier, Also the fact that he looks also carries himself like someone I know ha ha, I wouldn't dare say whom this is, but hay I suppose this person could well behave like Recep at times if in the situations Mr Recep was in. Any how I think it was a really good movie a laugh and a half from beginning to end, if you let your hair down relax chill after eating fusulya for dinner, these films reminded me of many American comedies but wasn't half as sick or dirty as some American comedies, I don't no why every ones making a big deal. I personally so am looking forwards to more of Recep films I am gutted I thought there was 5 films I watched them all on Netflix saved the last till tonight! I must have imagined a 5th film gosh boring! I've got to make do with something else tonight, my life is old perhaps lol I have been bought up with a lot of old Turkish traditions also the old wife's tales that had stuck with me growing up, I found it all funny when hearing them some years ago, today I thought they were non existent, but hay I seen them cracking them out in these movies, the fact is that if your Turkish you no everything there is to no ha ha, the last time I was ever in turkey was in 1985 so Recep was as funny as Turkey was back in the 1980s now Turkey is very forwards turkey has developed into an amazing forwards Country but hay please don't forget your history we laughed at Kemal Sunal don't forget that ha ha ha just my opinions.
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