The film promised, that promised
30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know why there is that tendency lately to revile technology. Cinema has always reviled everything that was new and now touches technology. I do not see this film as a criticism of a certain kind of people, I think it aims to criticize technology and the people who use it. The worst is that it proposes that its massive use will only be sexual.

I think it's a boring movie. Sex, drugs and alcohol are most of the time. While we live in a society with a great loss of values, I do not think it's how this movie puts it. In the end, the film manages to be basically what criticizes.

It has enough interpretations. There is none that stands out and none that is not well.

A film in black and white that contrasts with so much technology, for what? I would like the director to explain it to me. I do not think it contributes anything.

It has many visual effects, which are very simple after all. But so badly used that only gets close-ups with an effect in front.

The director does not know what is bored, what does not progress. He does not know how to put the camera. Every now and then he leaves the camera far from the action and takes you out completely.

Luckily the lot is not this
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