Lots of fighting, some political stuff, and too many similar characters
29 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When a General his killed, his wife and various female members of his family set off to pill his military shoes.

That's as close as I can get in a synopsis with going into vast detail - detail which seems unnecessary when this biggish budget Chinese film is largely combat sequences.

If you like large battle scenes, lots of one-on-one wire-fu and the like, you're going to enjoy this. But if you're not familiar with lots of Chinese actresses, you're going to get confused. Assorted members of this military clan are introduced together with little identifying captions about what their swords are called, and then you never know who each one is until they - spoiler! - get killed.

There is some dodgy CGI, especially at the start. It gets bloodier as it does on, and it really shouldn't because the CGI blood doesn't convince.

I've decided I like Cecilia Cheung.

This DVD from Poundland held my attention, but I'm not in a big hurry to see it again.
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