Don't expect it to be Hitchcock! Classic British Gothic Manor Mystery
28 December 2017
I LOVED watching this movie as a kid, and taped it off of TV as a child. I would watch it over and over! It left such an impression with me that as an adult I looked it up to watch again.

I was fully expecting my adult self to have a "why did I think this was good when I was a kid because it is clearly crap" moment. I actually really enjoyed it as an adult as much as when I was a kid :)

A few caveats: I LOVE all British mysteries. Especially those classic "things that go bump in the night" gothic stories. I am a nerd.

Yes- it is cheaply made. It was shot on video (not film) so it has that "TV" look to it. Yes- the acting is far from Oscar-worthy. Yes- it was probably made for kids. Yes- it is from the (gasp) 90s. So what!?

They actually do a surprisingly great job on the musical score to this movie. Watching as an adult I really noticed how the music added to the feeling of each scene. You will hear everything from organs to harpsichords, and the prevalent dissonant string theme used throughout really lends to giving an eerie feeling to some scenes.

In conclusion: If you are the kind of person who loves old British manors, things that go bump in the night, a good mystery, and are not too picky about technical aspects, then you will be entertained.

Not all movies set out to win Best Motion Picture. If you agree with that, then you just may end up loving this little gem of a movie as much as I (still) do.
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