"Holy Threesome, Batman!!"
25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A lovingly made X-rated parody, the sets and costumes of which satisfyingly capture the 60's Pop Art look of the TV series, and which producer-director Axel Braun's affectionate script shows fond knowledge of the original.

Dale DaBone and James Deen pass the Adam West test by acquitting themselves beautifully in their early scenes as Bruce & Dick playing three-dimensional chess at Wayne Manor (although Deen should have trimmed his sideburns; a common anachronism that regularly destroys the illusion in films set prior to the late 60's).

Evan Stone is sublimely out of his mind as The Riddler (all that spandex continuously rubbing against him plainly totally unhinged him long ago). The scene in which he has his evil way with Bruce Wayne's girlfriend, Lisa Carson - with her evidently enjoying it - fulfills the sexual tension that Frank Gorshin always brought to the part in the original series (witness the way Gorshin leans towards Molly dreamy-eyed as if about to kiss her in 'Smack in the Middle'; and he steals a kiss as well as her crown from Miss Galaxy in 'A Riddle a Day Keeps The Riddler Away'.) His hyperactive combination of kinkiness and megalomania probably makes him dynamite in the sack, which could help account for why he invariably had the hottest henchbabes draped over him; and it would have been great to see him and Anna Gram unzip one another before greedily sliding out of their spandex and into each other.

Riddler's penchant for savouring the Boy Wonder trussed up and at his mercy, and the threat of the feminine allure of The Catwoman coming between Batman and his little buddy Robin could have taken the plot in interesting directions which are sadly never attempted; while the Bat-bulges - of which Burt Ward has since made so much - are never alluded to.

No serious attempt is made to make Lexi Belle resemble Yvonne Craig as Barbara Gordon; but she amply compensates for this with her ditzy Batgirl, who is far more sexually knowing than she ever was in the TV series.

Ironically it's the lengthy sex scenes - which account for the whopping total running time of 119 minutes - that hold up the fun; and which for the most part I found myself tempted to fast forward like the songs in a Bollywood movie. The exceptions to this reservation are The Riddler ravishing Miss Carson (although it would have been more fun still had The Prince of Puzzlers been exercising droit du seigneur over conquered adversary Batgirl - or Robin! - or cementing their partnership in crime horizontally with fellow arch-criminal The Catwoman) and - at last! - Batgirl making out with Robin (although her costume comes off far too quickly; and we don't even get to see her remove it, which would have been nine-tenths of the fun)!

Most perplexing of all is the extremely delayed entrance of the film's most obvious asset: Tori Black as The Catwoman. She certainly looks the part; although her grasp of the character isn't really up to much (given the care that has otherwise gone into recreating the costumes, why on earth hasn't anyone told her to wear her belt down round her hips as Newmar et al did rather than up around her waist?). But incredibly she doesn't even appear until the second half, and doesn't come centre stage until the final third. ('Batman XXX' draws most of its inspiration from the very first episodes of Season One - in which The Catwoman only appeared once - so we sadly get none of Eartha Kitt's Season Three interaction with Batgirl, which had included having her tied up a couple of times and a brief face-to-face tussle in a courtroom; although the script does include Batman's magnanimous description of Eartha's Catwoman as "she may be evil, but she... is attractive.")

Black's classic Catwoman look is also so uniquely sexy that the inevitable result is Catch-22. The film would have been far, far sexier had it lingered longer on her lounging about in her black, wet-look, cameltoe-revealing catsuit rather than rushing with unnecessary haste into undressing her (SPOILER COMING:) for a final threesome with the Dynamic Duo that I frankly found - if you'll pardon the word - anticlimactic (and even in the throes of erotic abandon, would such a well-bred pair of gentlemen as Bruce & Dick really have sworn so much?); although made up for by a satisfying final twist implying a sequel never, alas, made.
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