Before the USA had Wal-Mart or even K-Mart . . .
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Canadia (aka, America's Threat to the North) was running Blue Light Specials on strands of metal links under the auspices of "A & B Chain Stores," as illustrated by this 15th entry into the "Little Rascals" series documenting how juvenile delinquent gangs can bring nations to their knees. The plot of HELPING GRANDMA revolves around a title character Hell-Bent upon selling the gang's headquarters (cleverly disguised as her tiny general store) to a couple of unsuspecting franchise store organizers. While another potential buyer is bending over backwards to keep the ownership of Granny's Gang Store local (while permanently expelling the Little Rascal Rapscallions themselves), this Gangster Granny stubbornly holds out for the A & B Boys' dough, along with the chance to further infect Canadia with Her Gangland Values. Granny teaches the young wrong-doers under her influence a wide variety of scams, such as "buying" candy with buttons, and charging for cucumbers at watermelon rates. HELPING GRANDMA ends with its Gangland Granny sucker-punching the would-be local gang-buster in his face, as a presumed prelude to her hoodwinking A & B into expanding her bogus business model clear across Canadia.
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