Better than Awakens but still sleepy.
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like ths Should be the last Jedi,I keep holding out hope but it never gets better. Like the first three Xmen films The Star Wars reboots seemed destined to dissappoint.

The last three trilogies in the franchise though flops where atleast fun.There was Pod racing ,Droids VS Clones The Obi Wan- Vader Light Saber Duel a Yoda fight scene Samuel L Jackson with a purple lightsaber and a storyline that mostly made sense even if it was simpleminded and juvenile.Young Jedi Joins the Darkside to save the woman he loves.Everyone knows the Darkside is bad and it never works out.

This movie had virtually nothing interesting fun or new.Theres a few cameos notably a fairly surprising and enjoyable one by Yoda.Kylo Ren does his thing again easily one of the most entertaining Characters in the franchise.Luke was virtually useless waiting till the last minute to step in and help Hamil was ok but his scenes just show his head to big .Carrie Fisher did her thing as Leia one of the few characters I enjoyed everytime she came on screen.Finn was Finn not remotley interesting I like when hes on screen because of his commanding presence but he doesnt do anything other than fight Captain Phasma and develop a surprising love interest needs more development he hasnt grown any since The Force Awakens.

I can hardly think of one stand out scene and there where lots of annoying little things like animals always appearing to side with the rebels and why are the droids so loyal.I just feel like something was missing.There where some decent plot twist but still sine unanswered questions.

Im not saying dont see it im not saying its not fun, it has its moments but It could have been so much more.
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