Star Trek: Discovery: Into the Forest I Go (2017)
Season 1, Episode 9
Into the Forest I Go
11 December 2017
The mid season finale and we get some firsts for Star Trek here. Such as a male gay kiss.

We also get a more honest exploration of PTSD than seen in Star Trek before before such as Picard getting tortured by Romulans with little after effect. Here Tyler gets flashbacks to his torture in captivity which places his and Burnham's mission in peril. Luckily they found Admiral Cornwall in the Klingon ship alive but injured and ready to see Tyler through his trauma.

Captain Lorca disobey orders to save the Pavhans and sees an opportunity to take on the Klingons such as destabilising their cloaking device by getting Tyler and Burnham to infiltrate a Klingon ship. I think Kirk & Co had the right solution in one of the movies. Look for the emissions from the exhaust pipe than the gobbledegook presented here.

Lorca is also a person who knows how to push people's buttons and persuades Stamets to make 133 micro jumps and makes sure he is jacked up for it despite the consequences to his health.

By the end of the episode Lorca and the Discovery crew have made significant inroads against the Klingon conflict but the one last jump by Stamets comes at a price.

There is a lot of action here and a significant development of the Klingon plot line but strands still remain such as Tyler's identity.
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