Twin Peaks: Part 18 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 18
..."I'm fine".
7 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Once we cross, it could all be different." Cooper said to Diane. Yes, everything changed. David Lynch said that the Laura Palmer mystery shouldn't have been solved and, it seems, Laura is, once again, turned into a mystery (that spawns more mysteries but is never meant to have a definite resolution of its own), because this work of art is about mysteries not their conclusions, the process leading to the conclusion not the conclusion itself, the end is of no interest because there isn't one, this is a continuous story. A closure on one mystery begets more mysteries. And Laura must remain forever a mystery. With The Return Lynch seems to be rectifying that long standing mistake. The whole story of Twin Peaks is overturned to become something else, new, complex, and mysterious. Watching Twin Peaks the pilot, season 1, season 2, Fire Walk With Me, The Missing Pieces, and The Return, the sense one gets is that Laura Palmer's story holds everything (every single mystery, every sub-story that doesn't involve romantic interests) together and without her and her complications all might fall; the first half of season 2 is the greatest example of this.

"Laura is the one". (Which Laura, Palmer or Dern?). Characters from a dream-world (a TV show) bleed into reality, into the world of the dreamer(s) (the artists and the viewers). That might be one meaning of this long poem put to film. Art affects reality. Fans can live in this affected reality (alongside their favourite characters). Rancho Rosa, RR, David Lynch playing a director, Monica Bellucci, Lynch's exposition in France, the woman who answers the door at the end being the real owner of that house, and many more. Fiction, the dream, touching reality. And why not? Hypothesis and theories by fans are all right and all wrong at the same time. Dead yet alive. Of course it's only useless conjectures (everything, every little theory about Judy and realities and time and traps and bombs and evil and good), as every other person I know nothing about the workings of Lynch's minds. "Life is full of mysteries, Donna," Laura said. Let's keep Twin Peaks that way. And in the end those conclusions some of us were hoping to get don't matter because we can enjoy these scenes of pure poetic beauty.
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