Croon Crazy (1933)
Cubby the crooner
9 December 2017
Van Bueren Studios' Cubby the Bear series comprised of just 19 cartoons made between 1933-1934. As much as it pains me to say it, speaking as a big animation fan, it is not hard to see why the character and the series weren't so popular and didn't last long.

Every now and again however, there are cartoons in the Cubby the Bear series that are above mediocre and even watchable. 'Croon Crazy' is one of them, actually one of the few to be above average when most of the series strains to be mediocre. It does have a few of the persistent problems that the series in general has but has a few improvements that makes it one of the two best cartoons of the series, the other being 'Fresh Ham'. Like 'Fresh Ham', it's not exceptional but it has enough to stop it from being a misfire.

There are things that work against 'Croon Crazy'. Some of the animation is not great, it takes simplicity to extremes and is often static and sloppy. Credit is due though, the characters' expressions are more expressive than usual, some of the locations are exotically handsome and there are some clever transitions. The story is slight to the point of being barely existent, basically it's just gags strung along.

Cubby himself is also a problem. He is far from compelling as a lead character and doesn't have much personality as a character in general. The cartoon is stereotypical in characterisation and not always subtle or for the easily offended, the Gandhi one in particular. The gags vary and not as witty or as well-timed as those in 'Fresh Ham', most are very amusing and timed very well, a few others are lukewarm.

However, there is a lot more energy than in most Cubby cartoons, there are also more gags to usual (usually there's a severe shortage) and they are actually amusing. Even though they're stereotypes, the supporting characters do show more personality and spirit than Cubby.

Best thing about it, and this is true of a lot of Van Bueren's output, is the music score. It is so beautifully and cleverly orchestrated and full of lively energy that is sorely lacking elsewhere, doing so well with enhancing the action.

Overall, above average and not bad at all, in a different league to most cartoons in the Cubby the Bear series. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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