Gilmore Girls (2000–2007)
The epitome of consistency
8 December 2017
There are so many good shows out there. I have a few favourites, yet none of them compares to the consistency that I've found in Gilmore Girls.

I first watched the show when it came out, when I was still a teenager. I enjoyed it then, but I didn't finish the series and never fully appreciated the wit and humour the way that I do now, as a 30-year-old.

Unlike all of my other favourite shows, I never had a season where I thought "uh gee, they've lost the plot, don't know if I should bother continuing". Don't get me wrong, there are parts where I cringe a bit because I don't like what's happening in the story, or perhaps what happens (or doesn't happen) to a character. In fact, there are one or two seasons where I got really annoyed with one of the key characters.

Despite this, the quality never truly wanes. Each episode is so carefully written and so funny. Gilmore Girls really made me laugh, as well as making me cry on occasion.

I don't think it's for everyone, but I truly love it and I can confidently say that if you like the first season, you'll love the rest. Highly recommended.
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