Review of Mother!

Mother! (2017)
why great actors accept these kind of roles ?
6 December 2017
When I started to watch the movie, I took it seriously, I mean I thought I am watching a high rated horror film.... I mean I didn't saw a great horror film since Stephen King's - "The Shining" made by Stanley Kubrick. Not that I'm a Stephen King fan. But Kubrick done a great job with that movie. Every horror lately doesn't receive a higher rating than 5 or lower. Anyway... getting back to the movie. As I wrote in the beginning I took the film seriously first, then when I started to see the cellar scenes I thought she will discover some early dirty secret of his from his past. I think after 50 minutes from the movie I started to realize what a huge fiasco the film is. So the film wants to be an allegory as some commented about the movie. Javier being God, Pfeiffer being Eve and Harris being Adam. And their children being Cain and Abel.

If I may make a stupid joke I would say : A mother stays in the kitchen, Cain and Abel have finished watching "Mother ! ". After a while Cain says - what a waste of time. Hearing this Abel gets angry and says: why is this a waste of time? Maybe you didn't perceived the hidden meaning of the film. Cain answers what hidden meaning ? This is the worst underrated movie I've seen in centuries. Abel replies : well this movie has deep biblical meanings. Cain : I never read the Bible. Abel: then why are you talking about something when you don't even have the slightest idea of what the movie is all about. Cain: you know what? Go to hell ! So Cain and Abel are starting to fight almost killing each other. After one hour of fight Cain throws a can of popcorn towards Abel. Abel had his mouth open and a piece of popcorn flew straight in his mouth. After a few seconds Abel chokes suddenly and dies ;) ..... Another movie made with great actors playing in order to get more income. I think Jennifer Lawrence played a great mommy in the movie, but maybe someone gives her a better role. I mean she's the perfect young mother type, every man would love such a mommy wife but she should read the script twice before playing. A 4 for this movie. In my view a totally waste of time and money ;)
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