"You're no Edison!"
6 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A W.C. Fields comedy, in which he plays optometrist Sam Bisbee, with an all-consuming passion to invent mostly impractical gismos, to his wife's consternation. But he's come upon one very practical invention: a tire that resists punctures, and even bullets, as he demonstrates in his lab. The bullets went bouncing around the room after hitting the tire(Very dangerous, of course). The president of National Tire Company(NTC)has expressed interest in this wondrous invention, if true. Therefore, W.C. puts 4 such tires on his car and drives to NTC headquarters for a demonstration. After introducing himself in the president's office, he returns to his presumed car, drawing onlookers, and shoots each tire in turn. They all go flat, to his great embarrassment.(If the demo had been successful, the onlookers would have been in danger of being hit by ricocheting bullets). He's laughed off the site, but now realizes that he wasn't shooting at his own car, which isn't to be found(He parked in front of a 'No Parking" spot). He takes a train back to his home in Crystal Springs. During the trip, he contemplates suicide by a bottle of iodine he happens to have in his pocket. But, he backs out at the last second. He then walks the aisle, and happens to spot a beautiful young woman with a bottle of iodine on her table. He assumes she also is contemplating suicide, so stops and admonishes her for such thoughts. He tells her his problems and near suicide. The young woman is Princess Lescaboura, who prefers to be called Marie. A couple of old busy bodies assume he's having an affair with the Princes, and blab it all over Crystal Springs when they arrive. Soon, everyone on the street shuns him. That is, until the Princess arrives on a train, to great fanfare. She tells the receiving crowd that she came mainly to see W.C., who had saved her life during the war. Now, everyone begins to look up to W.C.. But, he's still leery of her effect on his reputation, so runs off, somehow picking up a leashed ostrich as a body guard. Eventually, he's convinced that the people mean no harm.

The mayor is supposed to dedicate a new golf course that day, by being the first to tee off on it. But, the Princess insists that W.C. be given that honor. She should have guessed he would have problems fulfilling that honor, especially with the caddy(Tommy Young)given him. I'll let you see for yourself all the problems W.C. encounters in fulfilling this honor.

While so engaged, the president of NTC shows up. W.C.'s car was found, and the tires passed the puncture test. Now, he wants to buy the rights to manufacture them. He offers the paltry sum of $20,000., which W.C. is inclined to accept. But the Princess, says she will bid higher. Eventually, she induces the president to bid $ 1 million plus a royalty for each tire, which is accepted: enough to allow W.C. and family to retire handsomely. While his wife, daughter Pauline, her presumed new husband, and his mother, ride off to Niagara Falls, W.C. stays home, where he can enjoy some liquid refreshment as he pleases.

The women who played Pauline(Joan Marsh), and Princess Lescaboura(Adrienne Ames) were both extraordinary beautiful and personable, which added to the enjoyment of the film.

Of course, the idea that a lone inventor in a small general shop could manufacture a revolutionary tubed rubber tire is absurd, although such might conceivably come up with a novel rubber formula that could be made into a tire. Also, it's absurd to suppose that W.C. couldn't tell his own car from a police car. There are many other absurdities that I wont mention, but that's pretty standard for comedies.

Here are some notable quotations from the film:

W.C.: "Once you're married, it's just like being in jail"

W.C.: "Mayor, you're OK. I voted for you last election: 5 times!"

Princess: "I think you are the luckiest woman in the world" Mrs. Bisbee: "Is my husband dead?"
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