Over Baked
5 December 2017
I waited for a while to go see BR2049 because I didn't want to stand in line with the un-washed hordes.

I am a big fan of the original, and I had high expectations that just weren't met. There are glaring differences between the two.

First of all the original had a plot line that was easy to follow and moved along at a good clip.

The sequel does nothing of the sort. While I admit every scene is masterfully crafted and the sound track excellent, the film is so over packed with minutia I frequently could not follow what was going on.

It was fun seeing Deckard again, but his role seemed odd and pointless. That being Deckard is now a paranoid hermit and why Agent K would seek him out at all made no sense to me.

And the biggest problem as I see it, the film is TOO LONG. The production is just 16 minutes short of three hours! Who has the patience for that? I ended up walking out early and missed the ending. At some point I grew incredibly restless and bored and could take no more.

A fine production but one I think most people will not have attention span to tolerate.
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