Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour (2010)
Season 5, Episode 1
Smith's solid start.
4 December 2017
The first episode with Matt Smith as The Doctor (apart from his brief appearance after regenerating).

This is an excellent start for Steven Moffatt as 'showrunner' and Smith as the 11th Doctor.

The episode is entertaining and well acted. Smith had an extremely hard act to follow for me as David Tennant as the 10th Doctor is, in my opinion, the best since Tom Baker. I was slightly concerned by Smith 's over excited, almost childlike portrayal straight away but overall felt it was a strong debut and the episode has grown on me even more over time. Matt is very engaging and fun and is my daughter's favourite Doctor.

The storyline of the alien on the run is not exceptional but is solid quality, fun and enjoyable. The other story elements of having the Doctor arrive at different points of Amy's life and the effect that has on her is what lifts the episode up in quality. Amy and Rory make good first impressions as the new 'companions' and overall the script and story is good.

It is quite epic in nature with imminent world destruction threatened and then the declarations that alien attackers better be scared of the wrath of the Doctor. This scene with the flashes of previous Doctors shown in a striking way was the best moment of the episode I think.

Smith is not quite as much to my personal taste as Tennant but I really like him as an actor and he is a great Doctor.

The minor grumbles I have are very small: The story of 'prisoner zero' is not as brilliant as the time travel elements of the story.

The CGI effects of the alien monster are not very good and the effect of it appearing to hang down from above does not really make sense to me - Where is it hanging from? Surely the whole creature should appear? Strange.

I was not a big fan of the alien inhabiting a dog owner and his barking dog and mixing up their 'voices' either but it made sense in the context of the story.

There is so much good stuff in this with humour, drama and imagination. It is very good indeed.

My Rating: 9.5/10.
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