Star Trek: Enterprise: Cogenitor (2003)
Season 2, Episode 22
Archer, Stop Being Such a Hypocrite
4 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Cogenitor introduces the Enterprise to a new super-advanced species known as the Vissians. The two ships quickly become chummy as it appears to be the start of a great friendship between the two species. This race has 3 genders and Trip quickly noticed a disparity in the treatment of one of these and attempts to change this.

This episode is quite controversial in the ST community. I can definitely see why. Archer's sanctimoniousness hits an all time high in this episode. He berates Trip for doing something he clearly would have done in Trip's situation.

Was this inconsistent with Archer's character? Yes, but in real life people can be inconsistent. Archer was quickly becoming friends with the Vissians and Earth had a lot to gain from this new relationship. This might have been the most important contact that humans have made since the Vulcans. Trip's act of defiance has soiled the relationship. Archer lashes out in frustration. It was immature of him but also something I can comprehend him doing. I don't agree with it but I understand his decision-making process. After all the meddling Archer's done, it's strange to see him act like this. Maybe when the intervention is coming from someone else, Archer's pride takes precedent over his morality.

It does seem odd though that such an advanced race of people would have these second-class citizens. You would think that they would be intelligent enough to treat everyone with dignity and respect. I just don't buy it.

Side note: We never see the end of Reed's subplot with the Vissian he is courting. We just kind of drop it, very odd.

The ending to this one is saddening. Archer's decision not to grant asylum causes Charles' suicide, weighing heavily on both Trip & Archer. Archer's reasoning that he can't interfere and judge another culture's customs is both hypocritical and sending a bad message from the Enterprise. I don't expect Star Fleet to make the right decision every time something comes up but you'd hope for them to at least be consistent.
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