Lucifer: Off the Record (2017)
Season 3, Episode 7
Redeemed After Previous Bomb
2 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really delivered the goods, and just in time too. It had been starting to look like "Lucifer" was slipping - the writing was getting weak and formulaic, and the character driven plot points seemed stagnant. But "Off the Record" brought a tight script and compelling guest characters to weave new interpersonal plot connections and introduce its best explanation yet to the nature of Hell.

In a crafty way the story revealed that no one is trapped in Hell against their will, its all just a construct of our own guilty consciences. That shines new light on the persona of Lucifer, the Keeper of Souls, and makes him even more sympathetic. His exasperation at the common misunderstanding about him fuels our continued love for the fallen angel.

I'd recommend this episode to everyone. It's must-see TV!
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