Capsule Review: Sarvopari Palakkaran
30 November 2017
Director Venugopan seems to be unsure what his film, Sarvopari Palakkaran, is about. At the start, it's a family drama where a conservative police officer, and a "male chauvinist pig" in feminist language, is looking for a bride who is not influenced by modern culture. Then suddenly the writer moves the plot to that of flesh trade where the same police officer is on the lookout for a racketeer. While Anoop Menon is a travesty in the film, Aparna Balamurali comes in with her typecast role and spews venom like she has a plan to unsettle everybody in and out of the film. After that, the plot becomes a banal suspense thriller without any sense in the construction. It's already cringe-worthy to see Menon play such half-baked roles, and then you bring in two dames like Balamurali and Anu Sithara to wreck havoc in a film that is already muddled with nonsense. Sarvopari Palakkaran is a haphazard play that tries to address social issues but ends up as this unpleasant drama that even the actors wouldn't recommend to their own families. It has a pathetic story, awkward sequences, and Bala Varghese at his worst. TN.
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