Review of Couples

Law & Order: Couples (2003)
Season 13, Episode 23
We got a jumper. What? I may join him.
29 November 2017
A runner was jogging on a park early in the morning. He suffered from a heart attack and he died shortly after. That's the beginning of four different stories:

1-A woman was shot dead near the jogger; she was a laborer who changed her name after running away from her former husband (Otto Sanchez); he had already spent ten years of jail time for her murder, so a double jeopardy could come up;

2-On their round Briscoe and Green noticed a crazy woman run over her cheating husband much to the mistress despair; in the questioning room, the perp quoted Schopenauer before Green;

3-At a gas station toilet, the detectives look a message in the mirror wrote by a kidnapped girl; she is eight months pregnant and her husband is the prime suspect.

4-Forensic chef figures out the runner was poisoned before the jogging by pure nicotine; he's gay and his lover may know something.

An unusual episode, a common day work for Briscoe and Green; lawyers made only a brief appearance, so it looks almost entirely a police drama. Now I understand why they don't have time to raise a family.
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