Aaron's Blood (2016)
Solid if flawed low-budget vampire fare
28 November 2017
Worried about his sons' condition, a series of accidents after his release from a hospital visit causes his father to slowly come to the realization that he has become a vicious bloodsucking vampire and sets out to find the one responsible for turning him before his bloodlust takes over.

This here wasn't all that bad of a low-budget vampire effort. One of the more enjoyable elements of this one is the fact that it builds a rather fine atmosphere about the sons' eventual change. From the beginning, when we have the early scenes of the kid being picked on and the abuse he suffers to the sudden and drastic changes the follow his release, cause the film a rather dramatic energy that is quite enjoyable at times. That is brought up nicely with the scenes of him out in the school attempting his new powers or the explosive sequence of the full reveal about what he has become which manages to really enhance this one greatly as the resulting brawl and action gives this some nice bits to really move this along nicely. The scenes of him now fully enjoying his powers and the quest to stop it are rather nicely handled as well, keeping this one moving along somewhat nicely enough with the encounter with the bully and the ravenous attack on the chained-up policemen which is quite nice for the inclusion of some frantic action within this one. With the finale rushing into some nice action as it explains the action and a potential cure for the affliction, this one manages to generate some rather fine work into putting the cure forward which gives this a nice finale. These here manage to hold this up enough over it's few minor issues. The film's main problem is the same central issue so commonly found in these types of stories in that it's way too downbeat about the events at hand. The central scene where it's plainly revealed what he is and what dangers he poses are handled with an incredibly underdeveloped air, making the shocking scenes go by without any kind of emotional resonance at all which severely undercuts its dangerous feeling. As well, the fact that it's so early into the running time that it just jumps out of the story without any kind of impact which really does this no favors by letting the big payoff come out of nowhere in a rather short amount of time and that all makes its big scene rather problematic. Likewise, the film does cause the investigation into the guilty party responsible for it all to drag out so slowly that it really doesn't make much of an impact here since it's basically just dead ends being brought about by the sudden inclusion of the vampire priest which is rather oddly handled from the sake of essentially being brought up simply so that something makes sense if the film wants to go with a twist for his creation. The other big issue here is the aforementioned changes to accepted vampire lore which manages to really make this feel cheap rather than original as they attempt to be different. That is a big factor here, as these manage to be the issues that hold it back.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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