Code Black: First Date (2016)
Season 1, Episode 13
WOW...The ending! What a cliffhanger!
26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from Tina, a 5-year-old named Trevor Randall is brought in with his parents - he was found at the bottom of a swimming pool. This is Neal and Malaya's case. Trevor is alive but unresponsive. They don't know how long his brain was deprived of oxygen. There may be brain damage but they won't know until Trevor wakes up...if he wakes up.

Trevor's father is convinced that the gardener is the one that left the pool gate unlocked, but Danielle confides to Neal that the latch has needed replacing and they haven't done it. More importantly, she's the one who went for a swim after work and may have left the didn't check that the gate wasn't just closed, but locked. Being that the dad wants to have the gardener arrested Danielle tells her husband. He is furious when he learns the truth, and as they wait to see if Trevor will wake up, he can't forgive her - and she can't forgive herself. Finally, Neal steps in to get Trevor's dad to forgive Danielle. He reminds the father that his wife is the only one who can begin to understand what he's going through and that just like he'd never deliberately hurt his wife, she'd never deliberately hurt their son. In other words, sometimes accidents happen.

The good news is that Trevor does wake up, and he doesn't have any brain damage. Because the husband was able to forgive his wife for this, it won't be sitting between them. As the saying goes, all's well that ends well!

In the middle of Trevor's case, Malaya has a "good Samaritan" with a fractured wrist who gets way too familiar with her. She looks uncomfortable with it, but there's no time to register it because 5-year-old Trevor codes. She rushes to take him to center stage. All we know is...This guy is creepy!

Angus is given a patient by Mama – a man who passed out in a supermarket and only speaks Chinese. Angus, having just learned that despite Mike's historic dislike of Los Angeles he's applied for the open surgical attending spot happily invites Mike to shadow him. Unfortunately, the translator sent speaks Cantonese and the patient speaks Mandarin! The most she can tell him is something about "intermittent blindness." Great.

Mike figures out that the man is trying to say that he has ringing in his ears, but aside from teasing Angus about looking like a young Orson Wells he seems willing to let Angus take the lead...until he's not. This is where the issues between Angus and Mike slowly begin to appear.

Mike challenges Angus' judgment but Angus isn't having it.

Angus: "I'm sorry, Mike. This is my patient and I have to go with my gut!"

Angus comes back to administer the TPA to discover that "Dr. Leighton" had ordered a CTA. Angus is furious...until the patient starts rapidly deteriorating. It looks like Mike was right. Angus starts to panic, but Mike is calm and talking him through it. He's completely backing Angus up and encouraging him. Right after stabilizing the patient Leanne comes by. Mike makes it look like Angus made the call on the carotid artery dissection and Daddy praises Angus.

At the end of the episode, Mike and Angus have a real heart to heart about Mike taking the position. Angus shares his fears with Mike about things becoming "like high school all over again" - and just when he is starting to gain confidence in himself and his abilities. It's a wonderfully written and acted scene. You feel how vulnerable Angus is, and you see how much it's hurting Mike to see his brother in pain, knowing he can't change anything. Things are what they are. Mike isn't trying to be better than Angus, it's just like Angus said, things tend to come easily to him. What Mike says to Angus, though, is powerful. Great writing.

Mike: "You don't know how good you are, do you?"

Angus: "Are you kidding me? I screw up in there all the time."

Mike: "...That's not what I'm talking about. I mean good. Okay. Look, everything you need to know to be a doctor, you can learn except for what you were born with. (He puts his hand briefly over Angus's heart) You are good, man. Good. Okay?"

I really like the way Code Black has approached this sibling relationship between Angus and Mike. So often sibling rivalry is done where one sibling is a total jerk and the other is the one suffering under it. In the story being told here it has these two men who genuinely love each other - and like each other - while still having some real issues between them.

There is also Kelly Rockman, and I really enjoyed her story. I am loving how Christa and Neal developed the relationship that they have.

The kicker with this episode is Leanne contemplating leaving Angels Memorial. This is crazy, right? Angels is the only place she knows. If she leaves, the hospital won't be the same!


Leanne: "Sorry I canceled, but I brought in the new attending today, and I needed to hang around and watch him."

Paul Weatherly: "You needed to, or you wanted to?"

Leanne: "What's the difference?"

Paul Weatherly: "Well, the difference is the very reason you're here, isn't it?"

Leanne: "Let me ask you something. Will therapy make me feel any better?"

Paul Weatherly: "Not if it's working. Let me ask you something. Are you really ready to walk away from a job that is your whole life?"

Leanne: "That's the very reason I'm here."


This ending really comes as a slap in the face to viewers, and each of us knows why, but the end result is something even more interesting.
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