Extremely low budget slasher strikes again!
25 November 2017
2 stars for this movie! Without wasting precious time or words, lets dig in: actors did a horrible work as they are all amateurs. Laughable acting from start to finish. The dialogue is not the worst out there, someone did take his work serious, but made sure that it covered all the stereotypical characters, because they weren't bad enough, it had to accentuate their pain!

We have something of a camera work but not quite, no special effects whatsoever, completely disbelievable deaths, a little blood and no nudity. There is a plot to all of this, I know, I was surprised as well, it is your usual trapped in a house with a killer horror, but it felt over stretched. As the action itself is missing for most part of the movie, we got an incredible detailed and long character development, so we know for who to root and who to expect to be the first to be gone.

Anyway, sadly, this ain't something to be recommended. You should clearly stay away from this one. Krampus: The Reckoning , got 3 stars from me! It is actually half of step higher. You have been warned!

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