Review of Wake Up

Supergirl: Wake Up (2017)
Season 3, Episode 7
21 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So Mon-El returned from the dead somehow as he was found in a ship in the ocean, with other people locked away in pods. He pulled a Chris Pratt in Passengers and woke up before anyone else did and it's apparently been 7 years on his end since he left National City. Whether you care about the Mon-El and Kara relationship or not, it sure seems like something that's going to stick around for awhile. How exactly it will continue after it was revealed Mon-El has his own wife now is not up to me, but I would hate to see a strong character bond go the wayside in this prototypical CW route they are taking.

Meanwhile, Odette Annable is having quite the season as Samantha Arias aka Reign. I'm really appreciating how patient they are being with developing her into the villain she is in the comics. Typically, the Arrowverse will rush this storyline (with the exception of Slade), and it seems like the show is finally taking the right steps into having a valuable big bad this season. I guess it remains to be seen if Reign will indeed be season 3's big bad, but they are certainly planting the seeds. Annable is doing a wonderful job at balancing the wonder and terror of finding out you have superpowers, especially after being lied to about it for decades.

Those were the two main arcs this week, with J'onn J'onnz having a small side arc with his father exploring the likes of National City. Overall, it's another okay episode for the show, but I'm far more excited for where they may take Samantha's arc this year. It's definitely something to watch for.

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