"Doctor Henderson, I presume"
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
British made Technicolor flick that really shows off Jeanne Crain's carrot top to advantage. She plays Marian Taylor: personal secretary to London-based diamond merchant Perry Henderson(David Farrar), who has recently taken out a life insurance policy of $2 million on himself, with his elderly mother as beneficiary. American insurance investigator Scott Walters is sent to London to check out why Perry would want such a large policy. There, Scott meets Perry's brother, with an office next door, and Perry's luscious private secretary: Marian. Scott takes an immediate personal interest in Marian, but she tries to dissuade his attempts to engage her. He even comes knocking on her apartment door after disturbing most of the other M. Taylors in the London phone book. Eventually, she informs him that she's engaged to Perry. Scott is also interested in her as a likely source of further information on the whereabouts of Perry, somewhere in Southern Africa. Separately, each takes a flight to Johannesburg. Scott discovers Marian has taken the same ship that Perry disappeared from, so Scott intercepts this ship at a small town, and discovers Marian on it. They both arrive at a small town, where Scott discovers Perry's mother. Meanwhile, Marian has hired some natives to take her on an expedition to a native village in the interior, where she thinks(why?) Perry's mother has gone. After discovering Marian's trip, Scott hires a jeep and driver to follow her. Eventually, he finds her, not pleased at first, but they board a canoe and go up the Zambezi River, portaging around impressive Victoria Falls, until they come to the village. They are shocked to find Perry, instead of his mother, there. Seems he slipped off the ship, made it to shore, and took backroads to this village. His plan was for his mother to collect the insurance money, and 'loan' it to him to finance the search for diamonds off the shore of East Africa(He should have chosen Namibia, on the west coast.) After some time, he would come out of hiding, and head this search. This fraud shocked Marian, who began to favor Scott. She and Scott took a canoe down the Zambezi river after a sneaky attempt to kill Scott failed. Near the head of Victoria Falls, they abandoned the canoe and roamed through the 'jungle', knowing that Perry was close behind in another canoe. Perry found them and began shooting at Scott, until another European showed up, with native support. Perry then ran to his canoe and paddled downstream, toward Victoria Falls, but capsized in the rapids, and was in danger drowning or being swept over the falls. Scott dove in and pulled his limp body to shore, where he recuperated. Presumably, the insurance policy was cancelled, Perry was apprehended for insurance fraud, and Scott and Marian strengthened their romance.

The first part of the film is rather slow, emphasizing Scott chasing Marian. Once we get into the African bush, things pick up. We see glimpses of various savanna animals, close by the greenery near the river. We also get a decent look at part of Victoria Falls, although an aerial view would be needed to appreciate its vast horizontal scope. Nice to see real Africans, instead of African Americans dressed up like natives, to experience their chanting and drums in the village and on the trail.

Jeanne was the token helpless female of the 'jungle' trek. She adequately served as eye candy, and as a bone of contention between the 2 male stars. It's not the most exciting jungle flick out there, but reasonably interesting. For a more exciting viewing experience, I suggest "Duel in the Sun".
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