The interest is maintained throughout
18 November 2017
James Oliver Curwood scores again in this two-reel picture. For the splendid script he will be forgiven for resorting to the lost memory expedient. Mr. Lincoln and Miss Stewart have the leads. Both are being given important work these days; and they are responding to the demands made upon them. Charles Kent as the grandfather of Miss Stewart gives a finished performance. Tefft Johnson has the heavy role, and carries it well. The interest is maintained throughout. There are flashes of comedy and at times deep pathos, especially near the end of the second reel, when the girl from the backwoods, rich from the sale of coal lands, is, with her grandfather, brought by her millionaire sweetheart to his home in the city. Mention of Mrs. Maurice must not be omitted. The greeting she extended to her restored son and to his bride-to-be was artistic. Ralph Ince directed the picture. - The Moving Picture World, September 27, 1913
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