A swing in a miss Pt. 2
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In part two of the special we get a song, and it still has her pompous Diva attitude. With the lyrics, "yes they do they're just fakes, What's with your mistakes?" she will continue to condescendingly talk down to her brothers. When the song is over, she grabs the slippers. Does she put them on? no, she just tosses it to her brother, so again she can belittle and talk down to them again, when they find out that they can go to the wizard and ask the question on who's the real Dorothy. When her brothers, the ones that actually rehearsed try to join her and she basically once more talks down to them saying that after their mistakes, it's like there's probably a reason that they always mess up because she always has her expectations so lowered for her brothers she already has the words to say when her brothers failed her, another nitpick i hated is that even though Dawn never rehearses, she apparently gets more screen time and two songs about her. What's the plot with Dawn? The generic story they go through a dangerous path, they get to the wizard, when getting to the wizard, it's pretty obvious that it's Dawn. Now i get it, it isn't about the destination it's about the journey, the problem is that it in no way is showing that Dawn learns this lesson, as she doesn't get any comeuppance. She goes through the whole thing unharmed and now she realizes that it's not the way she dresses it's the way they act. Oh and don't worry, she still gets the part either way. This ending honestly feel tacked on, honestly i did enjoy the songs and some of the set pieces, but the story is so bad
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