Too Many Subplots, But Very Watchable
16 November 2017
This movie has a great, if unlikely criminal plot, fine actors and, quite clearly, a lot of film left on the cutting-room floor. Top-billed Margot Grahame, for example, has four short scenes and a lot of presence, and her motivation is pretty well unclear. Ludwig von Wohl is credited with the novel it's based on and given a screenplay credit, but somewhere along the line, someone cut out a lot to make sure this timed in at a manageable length. There are subplots that are raised, elaborated on, and then dropped in dizzying number.

Despite this, or because of it, the movie moves along at a good clip. There are times when it seems as if things just don't make sense.... and then there is a revelation of what is going on and suddenly they do. Perhaps this is the purpose of the dead-end subplots. They still annoy me a bit, but the movie remains very watchable throughout.
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