Too bizarre for my liking
14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The award-winning "Death to the Tinman" is an American English language short film from 2007, so this one has its 10th anniversary this year and it is a definite contender for most known career effort by writer and director Ray Tintori. It runs for 12 minutes, slightly over, and is in black-and-white, which seems to be a preference by Tintori as he made other films without color too. It's tough to say what the core element or core genre of this film here would be. I think I'd go with the romance component given the ending. However, the film did not satisfy me with regard to that. Or with regard to any other aspect. Yes it is a very bizarre little film and for my taste they went over the top too frequently. We have a man whose physical injuries impact him more and more that a lot of his body cannot be saved and an old friend of his, to save his life, turns him into a poor man's version of The Wizard of Oz' Tinman. Will he live or will he die? What's gonna happen to the firefighters? Can he keep his girl? These are core questions here, but honestly I did not care as much as I hoped for. And while I felt this film was shoddily written and looked amateurish at times, I still feel that with the proper approach and talent, this general idea is even good enough to work as a full feature film. But given Tintori's lack of work in the last 10 years, I think he's not the right choice to be the man in charge there. His short film here gets a thumbs-down from me. Not recommended. Final note: Oscar nominee Benh Zeitlin worked on the score here and that's not the only collaboration between him and Tintori.
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