Star Trek: Discovery: The Vulcan Hello (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
-Star Trek is certain parts.
8 November 2017
-This series has ,just like any other series ,good things and bad things.

The bad things : The change of Klingons,the new ones stink !!! They have much interesting characters than Burnham in the background,and i really hope to see them becoming main characters. The main characters are too nasty,for example Tilly is the kind of character more suitable as being 'a red shirt'. Just like Abrams did in his trilogy ,the producers are not using any previous classic race,excepting the Vulcans. -There is not even one sexy main character.We are not monks or priests,you know ,and the sexuality is not a bad thing,is just an important part on our lives as beings. The producers are messing once again with the continuity.I consider this as being a lack of exigency and professionalism,for example Stargate continuum doesn't have this kind of errors at all. The modern futuristic civilizations are completely missing. The humor,even a dark one is totally missing.

The good things : The visual effects are absolutely amazing. The show is full of action ,so you can't get bored at all. The show is described as being dark ,although i think is not darker enough and i am not referring to the lack of happy endings. The visual reboot of the technology from the show looks great,i think this was one of the reasons Star Trek Enterprise was a failure.

-It would be interesting to see Burhnam replaced by that strange 7 of 9 predecessor ,Keyla Detmer ,because that girl has material to be a REAL hero.That would be something very ORIGINAL !!!!
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