This is an intriguing, grisly story about the psychedelic drug Theta and the effect it has upon two diametrically opposed groups of people.
5 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gayce, the doe-eyed heroine sells Theta, a hallucinatory drug that she sees as a gateway for humans to achieve a more advanced form of consciousness. It also enables some to see "The Entity", whose message is interpreted in contradictory ways by Theta users. When Brother Marcus the leader of a fanatic religious cult encounters The Entity after being unsuspectingly dosed with Theta, he takes on the mission of ridding the world of sinners. The sinners in question being Gayce's friends, Theta users who derive much pleasure from the drug. Brother Marcus and his followers go on a bloody rampage, which in turn leads Gayce and Theta dealer Derek to hunt down and avenge those responsible for the murders. The movie brings into question the different moral decisions people make when presented with a catalyst, in this case a mind altering drug. I will likely be pondering these questions long after seeing the movie and to me that is the mark of good story. Plus, I am keeping an eye out for The Entity, because I have a few questions of my own.
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