Review of Trust

Law & Order: Trust (1992)
Season 2, Episode 15
A very disturbed young man
3 November 2017
The finding of a dead body by some kids brings Paul Sorvino and Chris Noth to the scene at a deserted waterfront warehouse. The body is that of a teen not much older than the youths who found him.

One other thing is found. A large caliber pistol on the edge of a pier where the perpetrator tried to fling it in the water. It has an owner Tom Mason who has a son Harley Cross, a very disturbed young man.

The parents are divorced and Mason has custody. It also turns out that there was another similar incident a few years back.

Justice is going to be hard to come by here. A combination of the father's wealth and sealed records which have to be obtained.

Cross gives a fascinating performance that makes one hearken back to the classic film The Bad Seed. He truly is one, but this seed got nurtured and developed in his father's house.
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