Wheelman (2017)
Thriller that cannot surpass the limitations of its premise
30 October 2017
95% of the film takes place inside a single car and sees grizzled character actor Frank Grillo take point as the titular wheelman. If you saw Tom Hardy in the one-man-driving-in-a-car drama 'Locke', then just imagine that experience with added car chases. Sure, Grillo is no Hardy, but he's a capable and charismatic actor who projects a high level of intensity and holds the screen with relative ease. The concept of telling a generic crime story entirely from within the inside of a car is what makes this feel a little bit different from the norm, but it also means that the film is limited in terms of what it can actually accomplish as an action thriller. All in all, 'Wheelman' is a well made but pretty unremarkable film, although first time writer/director Jeremy Rush may prove one to watch in future.
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