A Very Merry Mix-Up (2013 TV Movie)
28 October 2017
This is the third time I watched this movie in less than a year. This movie is all about symbols, but I think I missed some of them the first two times. It's true that some of these are not done as subtly as perhaps they should have been and may even come off as clumsy, but I still loved it.

Alice is all about tradition and family and romance and especially about Christmas and nostalgia. For this woman, giving up the symbol that represents her father is like cutting off her arm. And she revels in the chance to share Christmas, to decorate the tree, to make Christmas cookies.

I won't try to say that Alicia Witt is the greatest actress in the world, but she does have a lot of talents. I think her facial expressions are one of those talents. I could watch them all day. And her laugh is overpowering and to some may be fake, but I think it is just gusto. I love it. Her acting in this movie is solid. Her chemistry with Mark Wiebe is just incredible in this film. In so many romance movies you wonder how the main characters could fall in love so quickly, but in this film you can see these two are just two parts of one whole and time is irrelevant.

I have only two very slight complaints about this movie. My first is how could Alice and Will ever have thought they belonged together, much less thought they were in love? They have anti-chemistry. Not that Will is a villain boyfriend, especially at the start of the movie. But it is clear they aren't on the same page and Will has no idea who Alice is. Maybe, as she says, she even forgot herself. Besides, without the relationship, over half the story would be gone.

The second is that I really wish we could have seen more of Alice with Matt's family, and less of her with Will's. All of the time with Matt and his family was heartwarming and enjoyable. The time spent with Will's was discouraging, and I really believe that not so much of it was needed to make the point.
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