Charming, Colorful and Magical
27 October 2017
A burnt booty and pending murder charges do not deter Anna from smiling as she tells the story of the circumstances that led to her curious predicament. Following the dying wish of her mother, Anna carries her ashes to a tiny Italian town. Once in town Anna is shocked to discover people who not only recognize her, but who reveal intricate and surprising details about her life and family that she was never told. She learns about how her mother and father met, that her father came to Italy on a bicycle from Holland and astonishing secrets of her past involving tulips, mobsters, settling old scores and romance. In the process a town discovers the value of immigrants and immigrants discover the value of a new town. However, the murder charges are still pending.

This charming and enthralling film reveals the importance of stories, love, immigrants, travel and confronting evil. There are unexpected twists and turns, frequent flashbacks, colorful scenes, exquisite performances and intriguing shifts in perspective. The film encourages people to believe in love at first sight and help those in need. It provides lessons in the power of love and what it can accomplish for good or ill. Settings include Montreal, Holland and Italy. There are some fantastic and emotional scenes. While some of the scenes and actors are a little rough around the edges, there are no major faults to find. Seen at the Toronto International Film Festival.
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