Review of Black Samson

Black Samson (1974)
A Nightclub Owner's Attempt to Save His Neighborhood
26 October 2017
"Samson" (Rockne Tarkington) is the owner of a nightclub in a black part of Los Angeles who does his best to keep crime down and things under control. However, this doesn't please two rival criminal organizations-one white and the other black-from wanting to move in and take over. This is especially true for one particularly psychotic mobster named "Johnny Nappa" (William Smith) who refuses to heed Samson's warnings and simply won't take "no" for an answer--and things become quite tense after that. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a pretty good "blaxploitation" film in large part due to the performances of the aforementioned William Smith and Rockne Tarkington. Likewise, having a beautiful actress like Connie Strickland (as Johnny's girlfriend "Tina") certainly didn't hurt either. In any case, I thought this was a pretty good film and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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