Redemption Road
21 October 2017
The road to redemption is never an easy one to walk on but in order for one's soul to be truly free it is the right one to take.This is once again another honorable mention in my book and a bit of an underrated episode as well.

What's interesting about this episode is it's one that is focused on a character that isn't a major part of the series and I always like that it's a breath of fresh air from characters that are always center stage that we know all to well; and also enhances the world of the series showing that Batman alone doesn't inherit it. I really like the story line it's a bit similar to Shakespere's "MacBeath" which was about a criminal despite his rise suffers the weight of his sins and soon suffers a downfall of his own making.

Stromwell is a well rounded character, he's a up mob boss that is not just facing the end of his empire but also the twilight of his years. Even though he doesn't want to admit it, he knows it's true he may have been able to beat the competition once but he can't beat time; we can easily see he's became a broken and bitter shell of a man from his mannerism but also his clothing that looks dated and worn like himself.

I really like how this episode isn't really so much an actioneer but real a character study as we see Batman guiding Stromwell to get him on the right track to do the right thing, not just for the good of Gotham but himself. Stromwell sees instead of accomplishments it's nothing but a gallery of shame and misery. He sees and feels the weight of his sins as we see in the episode what's happened to his son and how he's contributed to his bad state. It's heart sinking but it just goes to show how walking the road based on sin alone truly leads nowhere.

Of course we see a really heart sinking moment near the end where Stromwell recalls a traumatic childhood memory he's long kept dormant but has surfaced now as if his soul and conscious has finally sufficed as well. The ending is heartwarming which really shows it's never too late for redemption.

Rating: 4 stars
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