Under-appreciated comedy classic
17 October 2017
Not sure how people can not find this movie funny... this movie is freaking hilarious!

Not only that but the cast is pure quality. The magnificent Kirsten Dunst in the lead... Ellen Barkin as the alkie Mom... Alison Janney... Amy Adams in her first movie role, the sadly missed Brittany Murphy...

Plus a superb turn from Denise Richards in the role she was born to play. The only one who goes a bit OTT is Kirstie Allie but everyone else is pretty restrained, considering.

Not only that, but the script is dark, dark, dark. If you think bulimia isn't at all funny, wait til you see this flick... au contraire, mon cheri, its hilarious!

If you're a fan of the classic Christopher Guest mockumentaries like Best in Show, you will eat this movie up. It uses the same format to excellent effect.

Well worth a look... how can a flick that totally eviscerates small town beauty contests not be?
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