It's a tough watch
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have such mixed feelings about this episode, this series seems to have delivered a number of divisive episodes, love or hate, and this one very much fits into that category. The first few minutes are funny, the clown porn, the Gwyneth Paltrow joke, then it switches. Domestic violence is one of those subjects I'm sure we all find detestable, and viewers of this show tune in for fun, to be amused. There is very little amusement here, it's a tough watch. I will applaud them for the ending, Quagmire, normally care free, decides to take matters into his own hands out of concern for his sister, we get to see a different side to his character. Overall I think they attempted something edgy and hard hitting, as someone that likes the funny side of the show this one doesn't quite work for me. 5/10
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