Review of Bait

Bait (VI) (2014)
Pretty much the dumbest movie I've ever seen
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I get that this was done on a low budget. I have no issues with the acting or production values. But the writing! Holy s. It took over an hour to show what a jerk the 'loan shark' was, which was 45 minutes too long and banged you over the head with it, and then *SPOILER* for the two women to prepare to hurt him with....a taser?!?? WTF. No other preparation, other than the blonde getting into a matching bra/panty ensemble and sheer kimono. Seriously? As if the story didn't have enough other gaping holes you could fly a fleet of airplanes through...for example, in an economically depressed town, can you not find someone who'll take the 5,000 pounds to do the dirty work for them? Or even to help them out on the Night of Revenge aka The Ridiculous Night of the Taser, Which Thankfully Worked Out For Them In Spite of Their Joint Stupidity and Lack of Preparation. That the women were so dumb throughout was a real turnoff.

These type of female revenge movies work best when you feel the victims have done everything they can to rectify their situation. All the two women did was continue to beg and plead with a guy who was clearly merciless. ONE attempt to report it to the police...also love that the boyfriend cuts out of town. Yeah, he got hurt, but was their relationship so shallow he would leave her behind to the devices of a psycho? Could the women not have followed baldy and found out about his family? and get creative there?

I'm still shaking my head. A taser. Wouldn't it have been more fun for us, the viewers, if they had booby-trapped the house in preparation for him. What kind of crappy old rope falls apart in half when the brunette is choking baldy with it? And she's strong enough to pull a sink up, over her head, and hit him with it? Huh?

Oh man. I hope, should this director venture forth again, he does a MUCH better script polish before going into production.
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