Fast and furious "fun"!
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Girls About Town" is a fast-paced pre-code film with lots of suggestive dialog but not a great deal of either tension or believable plotting. Money, money, money is constantly on the agenda, and the script asks us to believe that money is the most desirable commodity that anyone can possess. Never mind what a person is really like, just home in on how much money you can extract from them by arousing their expectations, but actually coming across with little or nothing.

It's odd to find Joel McCrea as an apparently wealthy man-about- town. He literally pours on the charm and does this unusual role surprisingly well. The other three of the four main players, namely Eugene Palette plus Kay Francis and the lovely Lillian Tashman also have showy roles in which they are very convincing.

It's hard to believe that the movie was directed by George Cukor. The pace is much, much faster that his usual preferences. I'm not complaining. I like a fast-paced movie, but not one that moves so fast that I have trouble following the plot. In this one, I could follow the action reasonably well, but I still found some of the behavior rather odd and some of the dialogue mystifying.

All in all, though, "Girls About Town was an enjoyable experience and I'm looking forward to playing the Vintage Film Buff DVD again real soon!

P.S. I have made five attempts to spell Eugene Palette's name correctly, as it appears on the DVD, but for some unknown reason, IMDb refuses to make this correction.
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