There was only one happy moment during this episode...
12 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...and unfortunately it was when the "tactical" officer killed herself by acting like a complete idiot. So she tries to sedate an alien creature she knows nothing about. She doesn't even know whether the gas will be enough to sedate it. So instead of turning on the light and actually looking whether it's sedated or not she decides to shutdown the force field and walk towards an animal in an aggressive fashion with a gun and knife in her hand. I'd definitely declare this a suicide...

During the last episode i already thought that the captain is a maniac. My suspicions have been confirmed. You can see and hear that he likes war. And playing the screams of dying people to the whole crew? Definitely the signs of a healthy mind.

Btw. let's not forget the fact that a supposedly well trained Starfleet crew is unable to perform properly in a battle simulation. And we are not talking about a B-team here. That was the main bridge crew.

The plot twist with the creature having something to do with the spore drive is so easy to figure out. The show literally slaps you in the face with hints around it. When the twist comes it is like "i figured this out 5 minutes in. How come you didn't?" The retarded Klingons are back. These guys can't speak properly (This show is butchering the Klingon language) and I do not like the updated look. It's way to much make-up. You can't see any facial expressions. And in addition I can see how uncomfortable these uniforms are. I could easily accept the style they had in past shows, but this new stuff looks so forced. It looks like they can barely move in their clothes. And based on what you see on the Klingon ship they indeed cannot move very well. How are they supposed to be intimidating? Ahh yes, because they ate the Asian captain. The writers are spitting on everything established in terms of Klingon culture.

We know from DS9 that if it comes down to revenge Klingon's may eat the heart of their enemy. However we have never seen or heard anything in terms of Klingons eating sentient beings like humans or other races. This change was pretty much just introduced to make the Klingons look more like the bad guys. As a member of Starfleet I'd never accept a peace treaty with beings that would eat humans especially after they have eaten Starfleet crew members.

Overall: I still don't like the characters. I don't like the story. The writing is atrocious. The designs are horrible.

To me this is not Star Trek. I will not watch it anymore.
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