Real people, real locations, real story!
11 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This impressive WW2 documentary-like movie showing both the plight and heroism of refugees seeking asylum in Switzerland was obviously shot on actual locations. You can almost feel the snow and shudder at the seemingly futile efforts of a large band of civilian refugees, plus a few allied escapees, who are all forced to cope both with the vile weather and an equally vile body of German soldiers who are determined to track them down and kill them.

This large group of refugees, who tackle the snow and high mountains as they attempt to escape from their merciless pursuers, contains men, women and children of all ages, but the biggest groups are the very young and the very old who are forced to tackle the snow, the high mountains, the vile weather and yet fight off cold and hunger as well as evade their determined pursuers.

And even if the refugees make it to Switzerland, will the Swiss authorities welcome them or send them all back - old men, young men, old women and young kids - to literally rot in prison, and certainly to be abused and ultimately shot by their Nazi captors?

All the players, young and old, deliver outstanding performances. Yet they are not actors at all but genuine people. E.G. Morrison, John Hoy and Ray Reagan play American officers who come to the aid of the refugees. They deliver stellar performances, even though they were not actors but simply American officers who were actually shot down near Switzerland and were waiting to be shipped back to the States.

This "Last Chance" is no make-believe story but a grim and highly absorbing reminder of Nazi oppression and callous disregard of liberty and freedom. The DVD was formally available from Vintage Film Buff, - an excellent label that is no longer trading.
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