I feel ashamed to be a star trek fan
9 October 2017
You people make me feel ashamed, quickly dismissing this show because of the silliest of reasons. Give this show a chance. Remember how everyone wanted Enterprise to be cancelled... well by the time it was being cancelled WE ALL BEGGED FOR IT TO CONTINUE! Remember TNG's beginning and how average it was? Can you imagine if they pulled the plug before season 3???

The silliness in "This isn't Gene Roddenberry vision" is just plain stupid. But you're right, he definitely wouldn't like this show, but you know what else he didn't like? The wrath of khan, probably wouldn't of liked Deep Space Nine.

I respect if you legitimately don't like the show, if it's not your cup of earl grey. But the amount of 1 star reviews for silly bullshit just sickens me.

Anyway I thought this episode, just like episode 3 is feeling more and more trek-like. The crew interactions are warming up, and Michael's getting better. I can't wait to see whats next.
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