Baby Driver (2017)
It's not about the cars, music or's about popular culture as a whole
9 October 2017
I was waiting for this movie with great interest, as many journalists wrote things like "it's going to be the car movie of the year" or "chase scene orgy never seen before". Truth to be told, 'Baby Driver' is a no-brainer for a die-hard car junkie, it's no better than a random Fast & Furious episode...which is bad. It's bad in terms of showing anything else than the usual stereotypes about driving & action and how they work together, contains little new or unique elements.

But at about halfway to the runtime I realized the director probably didn't wanted to show anything like that to the audience. The characters are so ridiculously simple that they practically play no part in the movie - they are merely just tools for showing off mighty pop culture icons like an iPod, a Subaru Impreza, a cassette recorder or the waitress at a 60s style American restaurant. The list could go on for pages. And the music choices - well, they are brave, but I can say they worked out amazingly well - soundtrack is definitely the strongest point of 'Baby Driver'.

So all in all this movie is a mirror to the societies of the last ~50 years. If you realize this, and that in fact it's still a pop-corn movie, not the nominee of an art film gala, you may be able to enjoy it - just don't concentrate on the story. What you want to watch out here are the items the characters use, wear, how they talk and the archetypes the actors play. It's about the details, not the big picture.
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