A Masterpiece of the highest order
4 October 2017
First let me just say that I am not going to spoil any of the plot points of this movie as the director has himself insisted not to and I urge the reviewers to come to respect his wish.

Now let me just start by saying the original Blade Runner was one of the most influential sci-fi film to be ever made. Some people may not like it as it is very slow paced and deeply philosophical and I respect their opinion but you cannot deny its legacy. As it so happens Blade Runner 2049 might just fall on the same category.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve who directed Incedies, Prisoners(another masterpiece), Arrival, Sicario and Enemy has outdone himself. This is seriously his best film to date. Even though this is a sequel to a movie he wasn't involved in whatsoever he has managed to expand its universe extremely elegantly and marked his directorial trademark in it. I won be surprised if he is put in the same bracket as Kubrick, Spielberg, Tarantino, Scorsese, Eastwood in the coming years.

Talking about greatness we have director of photography propelled by Roger Deakins who already had his hands on Shawshawnk Redemption, No Country for Old Men, Skyfall, The Big Lebowski and Fargo to just name a few and to think he has never won an Oscar despite being nominated 13 times. Well this is about to change this year or you cannot ever take Academy seriously because I strongly believe this is his best work. The way he uses color palette is quite remarkable to watch and it might just be one of the best looking film to ever exist.

Acting wise Harrison Ford gives one of his performance in a long time. You can just feel he loved working on this film(unlike that reboot on 2015). I have always been a fan of Ryan Gosling since Drive(another Neo-Noir masterpiece) and after watching this I am convinced that he is one of the best actor working today. Jared Leto gives a another stellar performance as expected from an Academy winner. Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Ana de Armas all are impressive with their given role.

Another thing that made the original Blade Runner so iconic was the soundtrack. And with this film it is no exception. Though this has Hans Zimmer Benjamin Wallfisch collaborating it feels a individual work like the first one.

What else can I say? No praise is enough for what I just witnessed. This is one of those films that will inspire people to be filmmakers, that will make people realize why we go to cinemas and spent our hard earned cash, that will continue to put cinemas as art forms. Just go to the biggest theater possible and witness an piece of modern art put on by extremely visionary and talented people. You will not regret it. 10/10
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