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2 October 2017
Amityville Exorcism (2017)

* (out of 4)

A man brutally murders three members of his family with a hammer. Flash-forward to Amy (Marie DeLorenzo) and her alcoholic father moving into a home in Amityville. Pretty soon Amy begins to witness some strange things and Father Benna begins to think there's a connection to the murders.

AMITYVILLE EXORCISM is yet another cheap rip-off that uses the "Amityville" name to try and cash in on the popular book and film series. It's amazing how many of these movies are out there as they've pretty much became a sub-genre all on their own. This one here, as the title clearly gives away, is an attempt to add demonic possession to the story-line.

In fact, there's very little here that connects this to the actual Amityville house. The plot here has the current owner's living in a separate house but the maniac with the hammer took lumber out of the Amityville house and put into theirs. Just about the only good thing I can say about this is that it at least looks like a professional movie as the director at least managed to make a film without countless errors. It looks like an actual film, which is something a lot of recent low-budget horror films can't say.

As far as the rest goes, there's really not too much here to recommend for a number of reasons. The story is just downright weak. There's one memorable gore scene but that's about it. The performances are mostly bad and I also had a hard time believing that the lead actress was a teen living with her father. She looked way too old for this and you could say that this happens in most horror movies. That's true but here it was almost laughable at them trying to pass her off as a teen.

AMITYVILLE EXORCISM is a pretty lousy movie that's sadly not bad enough to where you could get some cheap laughs out of it. The movie is pretty bland from start to finish and it's pretty bad even for this series.
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